Monday, March 21, 2011

Celebrating Sullivan

Saturday we had a party for Sullivan. We're just so excited about welcoming him into our family!

We all got gussied up and went out for a fancy dinner at Sullivan's Steakhouse. Really...where else would have been more appropriate to go? Most people are probably thinking..."Um, anywhere but there with a 1 year old!!", but Max was on his best behavior.

We like to take Max to "Max's Autodiner" so we thought we should start a tradition of taking Sullivan to "Sullivan's Steakhouse". Kind of funny how one of these restaurants is probably the cheapest place in KC and the other happens to be one of the most expensive. We're going to have to consider that when picking our next baby's name. Just kidding...we really don't only pick names of restaurants for our kids, it's just worked out that way so far! (although we do like the name Jasper and "Jasper's" does happen to be a fantastic restaurant...hmmm...Baby #3??).

First we made a quick stop at my favorite baby boutique...Lauren Alexandra in Brookside. We wanted to let Max pick out a new outfit for his baby brother.

Max was easily side tracked from his mission, though...

"Wait...we're not shopping for me?"

Finally he chose a sweet little sleeper that is so soft (left hand) and an Easter Bunny egg for himself (right hand).

Then we headed to the restaurant. The manager asked us what we were celebrating and we told her that our next son was going to be named Sullivan. Before we finished dinner the word had spread throughout the restaurant and I think just about every server came up to talk to us about the name. The food was wonderful, although I have to admit our dining experience was more rushed than it would have been without Max. Maybe carryout from Sullivan's is a better tradition to start. We left with a chocolate souffle to enjoy at home. We reserved that for just Momma, Dada and Sullivan after Max went to bed. I love the fact that for Sully to enjoy a treat I'm the one who has to eat it ;)

Family photo.

Max wanted to play with the lobsters.

Sullivan wiggled around happily after the Shrimp Scampi and asparagus he had for dinner.

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